Our technicians can handle any air conditioning emergency.
When things start to heat up, you need your air conditioner to work. One of the best ways to stay comfortable in the summer is to set your air conditioner to keep your house at a decent temperature, and relax indoors. So when your AC unit stops blowing cold air, it can feel like a very stressful ordeal. The ideas that an expensive piece of the climate control system in your home or office might need to be repaired, or worse, replaced, can upset people. That’s why Woolace & Johnson offers 24 hour emergency air conditioner repair services, seven days a week. We hope that we’re able to take some of the stress of the situation off of you by making ourselves available to repair your air conditioner whenever you need us to. Our heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, or HVAC, technicians know how to repair any brand or style of air conditioner because of their field experience and their time spent training. If you need emergency air conditioner repair for your home or business in Stryker, Bryan, and Napoleon, OH, call the team of Woolace & Johnson at 419-546-8424, and we can be there at your earliest convenience.
Air Conditioner Emergency Prevention
There are several situations that constitute an air conditioner emergency. Your air conditioner contains a closed plumbing system of refrigerant, which is used to transfer heat energy from inside of your home to the outside through a system of copper pipes. If you spring a leak in the refrigerant system, you need to call for emergency air conditioner repair immediately. Refrigerant is dangerous to you and the environment, but a coolant leak can also have a serious negative impact on your air conditioner. Low refrigerant can put extra pressure on your AC, while leaked refrigerant can also damage parts and electronics inside of your unit. If a component in your air conditioner burns out and you let it go without addressing the problem, it can turn into added stress on other components, and more problems down the line.
The primary cause for situations that require emergency air conditioner repair is improper care. That means a lack of preventative maintenance and upkeep. Parts get dirty and need to be cleaned, wiring can come loose, and pieces degrade over time. Replacing small components before they can damage larger ones, or the unit as a whole, is a great way to keep your air conditioner from going out when you need it most. Having a trained professional inspect and care for your air conditioner can keep you from needing to replace it prematurely. We’ve been inspecting and conducting preventative maintenance on air conditioners for over 85 years. If you’re looking for a trusted name in emergency air conditioner repair in the Stryker, Bryan, and Napoleon, OH area, call Woolace & Johnson at 419-546-8424 today!
The Emergency Air Conditioner Repair Experts

We’re available for 24 hour emergency repair services.
We understand what a huge inconvenience it is when your air conditioner stops working. We go to every emergency air conditioner repair job loaded up with all the parts we could need to service your AC unit. No matter brand or what type of air conditioner you have, we can fix what’s broken in it. If your AC is too broken to repair, we can walk you through all of your repair and replacement options. Our HVAC experts are certified to repair or replace whatever part you need in any kind of air conditioner, meaning you don’t have to wait for the company who manufactured your unit to respond to you. This is all part of our commitment to giving you excellent service. Whether you need AC repair, or and inspection and preventative maintenance, we’ve got you covered. For quality emergency air conditioner repair service in Stryker, Bryan, and Napoleon, OH, contact Woolace & Johnson at 419-546-8424, and we’ll take care of you.